Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Only My Pointless Opinions

Hey guys.. just wanna share what's in my mind..
I call it "brain's jerk"
nothing serious though..

First of all!!
I thought that "made in Indonesia" is a shame and not worth to be proud of!
For Indonesian, right now especialy, they're proud to wear clothes, or use goods which have "made in Indonesia" label tied on it. But not for me!

For real.. That's what I feel. I hate to buy clothes which has "made in Indonesia" at the neck label, same goes to shoes, etc.. I HATE it! anything but Indonesia.

the reason is simple. It's not because the product's quality, or the price, or anything, but labor. "made in Indonesia" label means those products were made in Indonesia, but were NOT INDONESIAN PRODUCT. It's obvious! Rich countries which have such tecnologies and money rather to make their products outside of their contry with labors from another country, than make their products in their own country, with their own people/labor. Because for them, it's much more cheaper to produce their goods outside their country. That's why I hate it. "Made in Indonesia" means "made by Indonesian" or "slavery". For me,I'd rather choose things that has "Product of Indonesia" than "made in Indonesia" label. I'm proud of it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

YES Sir!! NO Sir!! Your Problem, Sir! Ups.. ;p

Side story-My life in USA part 5
Matthew the Kid's inDa house y'all

Hullow, temans*!
(*lagi males nulis teman-teman, jadi pake bahasa Indonesia tapi tata bahasanya dicampur Inggris deh. ikut2an Teh Dini. ihihihiii.. numpang jiplak setail [style] ya gan!)

Lama tak berjumpa..
Maap gans*, ane akhirs* ini sibuk..
sibuk ngelamun maksudnya.

Biasa, pulang kerja, gak ada kerjaan..
(masak udah, nyuci udah, mandi yang belum.
jadinya ngelamun deh..
mencoba ngingets* semua kejadian di greenhouse akhirs* ini.
eh, gak sengaja keinget.
sebuah kejadian penting!
cukup penting untuk diabaikan..
namun tidak cukup penting untuk ditanggapi secara berlebihan.